Sunday, April 24, 2011

Deep Blue? Sad or Mad or Glad...

It's a beautiful day this Easter -- sunny and warm!  And I finally feel that I am grabbing hold of the hardware aspects of technology.  Amidst the nice weather, I am acclimating myself to my new iPhone, which I have tethered as a "hot spot" to my new Mac Pro, and which I can now use for the purpose I bought it for, what, two months ago:  to access the Internet.  And, yes, I have busied myself downloading new Apps (I never thought I'd do that) and all that other rigamarole.  Pretty cool.  I know, for many of you this is not-too-new.  Let me enjoy my epiphany and the excitement.  I casually Skyped with cohort Sue the other day -- I've never held a conversation with my computer screen before (my family thought I had finally and truly lost it) -- at least where it talked back to me.  (My other conversations were monologues directed one-way with a varied sort of profanity during "trying moments."  Anyway, just as a plane needs speed to create "lift" to fly, I feel that I am slowly getting up to speed in my own sweet time.  As I've said, pretty cool.
I've included a link to Deep Blue's victory over chess master Gary Kasparov.  I think of it as a son finally beating his dad at a game of hoops in the driveway -- the moment when the created defeats the creator.  There is something disturbing about a competitor you, for all intents and purposes, cannot see.  Anyway, Kasparov held up well given the massive computing power of Deep Blue, though he did seem fairly steamed and frustrated after conceding defeat.  Nevertheless, I thought it important that they stressed that Kasparov was really competing against of team -- comprised of some of the most brilliant minds, that being the team of programmers and designers of Deep Blue.  As we journey into our exploration of Instructional Technology, I feel it is important that we are mindful that with all of this theory and technology that has emerged and will continue to emerge, we have to keep in mind that it all boils down to what we do with it, how we employ usefully and artfully, and that pivots largely upon one important factor:  teachers.


  1. "Can you hear me now?"
    Love Hal - You are going to have to show me how to link a photo and video. I just am not as techno as you!

  2. OMG Scott!!!! I also had my first Skype experience with Sue on Easter and I have to tell you that I felt like I was on the Jetsons!!! I really felt like Judy or Jane or ...well, you get the picture!
    I have to agree with you, all the tech stuff is very new for me too. I just got my first smart phone too and I have to admit that I was completely stressed because it did not come with a manual so.... I printed all 168 pages of the manual off the internet so I could read the directions to find out how to use it! LOL
    Well, that's how it goes, and we are on our way to the great beyond! I think we will enjoy the journey

  3. Well said Scott. You can only get by on pretty lights and beeps for so long. It's the ability to teach that really counts.
    "The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires."

    `William Arthur Ward
