Saturday, May 7, 2011

Tech-Know? Or Tech-No?

Back to school (or is it "schools"?) after spring break, and among the many things going on in school, I had the pleasure of seeing the Mayhem Poets, a group of three former Rutgers students who formed a traveling group of rap poets, perform for several teams of middle school students this past week.  One of the performers named Mason performed Tech-Know, which I thought was timely and appropriate for our times and our class.  You have to wait for it, but Mason ends his poem on technology with an interesting insight about the technology of our day:  it all boils down to what we do with it!


  1. I like your comment at the end. It really does all boil down to what we do with it. We can have all kinds of technological advances, but unless we use them to better ourselves or our students, they're basically useless.

    Looking into the history of instructional technology, it seems like after most technological advances there is a "play" period where people familiarize themselves with the new tools, and then they move to incorporating them in a meaningful way into the classroom (or daily life).

  2. I really enjoyed seeing the Mayhem Poets, too! The kids really got into it, and were trying to create their own poetry when we got back. If only I could make math look so cool...

  3. I really enjoyed your presentation last night. I thought it was dynamic and engaging. I'm glad my group went last week--too much competition last night:-). Seriously though, I hope my son and daughter have you for a teacher some day!
