Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Remember Those Who Have Served

Yesterday was Memorial Day. Many think of Memorial Day as the unofficial start of summer and picture trips to the shore and barbeques with family and friends. And this is fine. Last Thursday I walked my students over to the high school where each student placed two American flags arranged in rows on the front lawn along Route 9. Each flag symbolizes an American soldier who made the ultimate sacrifice -- that being lost his or her life -- in the conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq. I am glad that the Student Council in the high school came up with and planned this commemoration, as it not only produces a powerful and beautiful tribute to these American heroes but also gives our students the opportunity to reflect upon the many freedoms they enjoy and the great dangers so many of their fellow Americans are placing themselves in to protect us and our freedoms. Here are two powerful films that I feel are ideal for Memorial Day and, in another week or so, the anniversary of D-Day (allied invasion of Normandy, France in WWII). The first film is title Taking Chance, and it depicts the true story of the death of 19-year-old Marine Chance Phelps and the return of his body to his family. I never knew how much respect and attention to detail were taken in so doing. It's a moving and powerful film, and one we showed our students last year before they placed flags as 7th graders. The second film is Saving Private Ryan by Steven Speilberg, depicting the D-Day invasion and the search for a sole surviving brother in the middle of France during WWII. It is graphic and disturbing and reveals all the horrors of war; however, underscoring this graphic violence is the valor and sacrifice of those who serve our country. Enjoy the time off and the barbeques and the beach...but also take time to remember those who allow us to do so.

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